
Group: DynoMotion Message: 9989 From: nbrobot Date: 8/16/2014
Subject: Jog() vs. StartMoveTo() Velocity Differences


I am using Jog() and StartMoveTo() in KMotion_dotNet.  I'd like them to have the same velocity, however they seem to use different velocities.

If I set JogVelocity to 5000 then call Jog(), the motor moves at speed A.

If I set Velocity to 5000 then call StartMoveTo(), the motor moves at speed B which is much slower than speed A.

There must be some conversion factor that I'm missing.  I tried dividing JogVelocity by CPU and the speeds were much more similar, but still not exactly the same.  I'd appreciate any enlightenment.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 9991 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 8/17/2014
Subject: Re: Jog() vs. StartMoveTo() Velocity Differences
Hi Neville,

You are correct.  It seems we have a bug/inconsistency in the KM_Axis class where StartMoveTo (and MoveTo) assume the velocity setting is in units/minute rather than units/sec.  We will correct this in the next Version to be all in units of seconds. 

A Workaround would be to set the Velocity 60X higher before calling StartMoveTo().

Actually with a call to Jog(Vel) you are specifying the velocity in units/sec so it doesn't matter what the Velocity setting is.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 9997 From: nbrobot Date: 8/18/2014
Subject: Re: Jog() vs. StartMoveTo() Velocity Differences
Hi Tom,
Thanks so much for confirming and for suggesting the workaround.  I'll give it a shot.